
Blockchain for Beginners 01: Getting Started With Cryptocurrency

January 22, 2024
At its core, a blockchain is a decentralised and distributed ledger that records transactions across a network of computers. Before getting started with trading cryptocurrency, it’s handy to understand the foundational concepts of the blockchain as this will provide insight into how a blockchain operates and why it is considered a groundbreaking technology. 

Key Components

Decentralisation: In a decentralised system, there is no single point of control or authority. Instead of relying on a central entity (like a bank or government), a blockchain operates on a peer-to-peer network where each participant (node) has equal authority. This eliminates the need for a trusted intermediary and enhances security.

Distributed Ledger: The ledger is a record of all transactions in the blockchain network. Each node maintains its own copy of this ledger. This distributed nature ensures that no single entity has control over the entire transaction history, enhancing resilience and making it resistant to hacking or fraud.

Blocks: Transactions are grouped into blocks, and each block contains a set of transactions. These transactions can include information about the sender, recipient, amount, and other relevant details. Blocks are linked together in a chronological sequence, forming a chain of blocks, or a blockchain.

Transparency: All participants in the network have access to the entire transaction history. This transparency promotes trust among users, as they can independently verify transactions and track the movement of assets. However, the identity of participants may remain pseudonymous.

Getting Started With Cryptocurrencies

Firstly, to acquire some coins or tokens you will need to sign up to an exchange. You can either deposit money for cryptocurrency, receive them in transactions or earn them through other mining activities. 

You’ll need a digital wallet. Wallets come in various forms, including software wallets (online, desktop, or mobile apps), hardware wallets (physical devices), and paper wallets (physical printouts). Choose a wallet that suits your preferences for security and convenience. 

Note: If you don't have a wallet, you'll need to create one. Follow the instructions provided by the wallet provider. This typically involves generating a pair of cryptographic keys: a public key (your wallet address for receiving funds) and a private key (used to sign and authorise transactions). Safeguard your private key. Losing access to your private key means losing control over your assets. Keep it secure and consider using secure backup methods.

Depending on the blockchain, you may connect to the network through a full node, a light client, or a third-party service. Full nodes store the entire blockchain history, while light clients rely on others for information. 

Once connected to the blockchain, you can initiate transactions. This involves specifying the recipient's address, the amount to send, and signing the transaction with your private key. Transactions are then broadcast to the network for verification and inclusion in a block. Your wallet interface will allow you to check your balances, view transaction history, and monitor the status of your transactions. This information is typically accessible through the wallet's user interface or by using blockchain explorers (online tools that display blockchain data).


In summary, a blockchain is a decentralised and distributed ledger that enables secure, transparent, and tamper-resistant record-keeping. It provides a way for multiple parties to reach consensus without the need for a central authority. While initially developed for cryptocurrencies, the potential applications of blockchain extend to various industries, including finance, supply chain, healthcare, and more.

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